Remote Desking in 3 Easy Steps

Search with Ctrl + F Last updated: 2022-08-14

Guest Post by Jenny Holt

Managing a highly efficient team in a single building is a tough feat to manage, but when the team is based remotely the task is near impossible. With 68% of Americans believing that they will work remotely in future, businesses will need to make significant changes to their infrastructure to accommodate this. Thankfully, there are online tools that make this process a little more streamlined. Furthermore, these tools are accessible through mobile devices as well.

Remote Team Management Apps

When facts and figures come to the table, things change. In an open-plan office environment, the noise levels are said to drop productivity by up to 66%. With this in mind, allowing each person to clock in from a remote location should have a positive effect on productivity. There are a multitude of products on the market to help with team management, such as Trello, Basecamp, and Asana. With these, business owners can assign specific projects to their teams, assign tasks to individuals, and set reminders for due dates.

Online Storage and Collaboration Tools

Sending around a spreadsheet for multiple users to complete, wastes a lot of time and resources. Many online storage products allow users to share their information with specific team members in a controlled environment. This allows workers to have access to dynamic documents as well, such as the ones available on Google Docs. Online storage also allows customers to share large files without each person having to download the files first, which again saves resources. Other benefits of cloud storage include sufficient space and security for businesses to perform backups. Employees can take advantage of this too, as their work will never go missing again.  

Efficient Communication

Email is listed as one of the reasons employees are miserable with their jobs. Not only do they check their emails often during a typical workday, they are also known to take work home with them. Instead of using emails for every little thing, it’s important to learn that there are chat services that make this easier while still remaining more professional than platforms such as Whatsapp and SMS. Services such as Slack provide employers with an interactive way to communicate with the team. It also allows employees to create various groups to ensure that the right people receive relevant communication at the right time.  

No one should go to work every day and feel unhappy, wishing they were somewhere else. Finding innovative and interactive solutions to combat this feeling is key to a successful working life. Maybe remote desking is exactly what your team needs to shake things up, boost morale and create a better working environment.