Why Branded Merchandise Works

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Most people view branded merchandise as an added expense, one that apparently dampens rather that positively influence their new business.

What if we told you that your business may just start gaining traction with something as clever as branded merchandise for your promotional giveaways? Here is why printed mugs, apparel and other accessories work.

Limiting Yourself to a Target Audience

We have all heard, taught about and thought about a target audience. However, nobody really considers that it is possible for a certain customer to fall outside your marketing audience, usually because that notion is way too daunting. But that does not have to be necessary. If you think you cannot invest in a flashy ad that runs during prime time, you can always invest in the merchandise that your ideal customer would use.

It is very important that your customer uses this product. For example, if you are dealing in athletic goods, why not get your logo printed on water bottles and hand them out at the gym or a sports event? The best thing about free printed goods is that all of them are meant to be used; therefore, all of them last longer than your average television commercial.

Promoting a Favorable Image of Yourself

Brand reputation can easily take a whole lifetime for you to develop into a positive one. You can start by doing two things with a single move. Give away free merchandise to not just gain exposure, but to be known as the company that cares for their customers. If free stuff does not put you in your potential clients’ good books, we don’t know what will.

Employees also benefit from branded merchandise and it is a great way to keep your employees interested and morale boosted. From branded mousepads, notebooks and mugs to clothing items such as t-shirts and hoodies, company values can be strengthened and integrated as a part of the office environment.

Brand Recognition

For a small business, brand recognition is the most important thing. You want people to know what you offer and what your brand stands for. The brand image that you build takes a lot from your budget to be built. In fact, most businesses don’t even bother with a brand image until they have exponentially grown. Branded items allow a business to be able to relay this brand image on a budget.

Turning Heads

If your in-house designer is as good as you say he or she is, you can use their creativity to turn heads. That’s right, you want people to see things that lay emphasis on your business and stare a bit longer at it. If  you print a fantastic design on a t shirt and hand these out; a) A lot of people you gave these to will be willing to wear them; and b) Other people would be attracted to look at the print on the t-shirt, marketing your business to them as a result. Therefore, in a way, the person wearing your promotional t-shirt is a walking talking advertisement that you only had to pay for the shirt once to do the job.

Post compliments of Customgear.com