Top Tips for Writing a Successful CV and Resume

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The following useful infographic on CV and Résumés highlights some of the most common mistakes that thousands of job applicants make when writing their CV or Résumé, as well as the cliches that employers hate to hear from any applicant.

If you feel you are the perfect candidate for the jobs you’re applying for but are not getting any response,  it may just be that your CV/Resume isn’t up to scratch. According to the infographic below, 10% of jobseekers have applied for 50 or more jobs without getting a response.  Some of the top 10 reasons cited include typos/grammatical errors, an overly casual tone, use of cliches, an excessively long CV/Resume, an unprofessional email address and more.

The statistics, displayed visually in the infographic below, highlight the realities job seekers face when an employer or recruiter is reviewing their CV/Resume and provides some useful tips on writing a successful CV/Resume.

Source -Infographic courtesy of  Colin Cuthbert at